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Prayer Partnership

OK! We admit it! We are simply not up to the task ahead of us!


We’ve got a massive mission ahead of us – mobilising hundreds of Christians to go beyond the walls of their church and get stuck in, bringing good news to the poor, and making disciples; transforming the lives of some of the most troubled and vulnerable children on earth; and carving out a sustainable new pathway for financing mission to those beyond our borders.


Frankly, we are simply not up to the task!

But we know someone who is! And actually, he, through his word, the Bible, commissioned us to the task in the first place.


So, prayer is at the heart of what we do. The prayer that Jesus taught his disciples is our manifesto, and we are committed to make every plan, action and decision subject to earnest prayer and steadfast listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Monthly prayer eBulletin

Available from January 2023, by email or post, these bulletins will be packed with information, stories and case studies to help you pray for root and branch change in the lives of the children and families we serve in South Africa, and those engaged in reaching out to them in their time of need, from South Africa and the UK. The eBulletins will also contain a brief news digest covering developments in South African politics and society that could threaten the interests of vulnerable children in the country, or offer a spark of hope that could be fanned into flame by fervent prayer.

for our free monthly prayer eBulletins (or email to secure your copy).

Monthly international prayer gathering (on ZOOM)

We would love you to join us for our monthly International Prayer Gatherings, linking hands across the continents to pray "your kingdom come, your will be done in Munsieville as in heaven". Each event starts at 15.00hrs UK time for 75 minutes of inspirational fellowship, fervent intercession, reports from the front line, and praise for answers to prayers of faith.

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Use this passcode if requested: 4F2MyP

 (or contact for a link to be emailed to you).

All prayer gatherings start at 3.00pm (UK time) and the ZOOM sessions will be open to join five minutes before the session starts.

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“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.”

Psalm 127:1

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